The venue for the Blockchain Life 2024 is Festival Arena - Dubai's premier event space located in the iconic Dubai Festival City.
Al Badia Blvd, Dubai Festival City, Dubai
Click on the button to start Google Maps trip or choose Festival Arena as the destination point of your Taxi
Parking is free. Follow the signs.
Forum Areas
Exhibition Area
The Exhibition area features over 150 booths with crypto companies. This is where attendees can explore the latest products and services, connect with industry leaders, and discover innovative solutions.
Main Stage by Uminers
The opening ceremony, speaker talks, and thematic sessions - everything takes place here – on the Main Stage of Blockchain Life.
Outside Area
An open-air space for all attendees to take a break, mingle, and network with fellow industry professionals. Attendees can enjoy a variety of food options from street food lunches to delicious ice cream from the dedicated station.
Insight stage
Insight Stage hosts panel discussions, performances, expert speeches and offers a wide range of activities, including workshops, presentations of new products and companies
VIP Lounge
Luxury lounge available only for Speakers and VIP ticket holders. Here you’ll be served high-quality snacks, beverages, and lunch during the whole day and have high level networking.